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The Corrupting of America

In July, Paul Pelosi, the husband of Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi, sold over $500,000 of Visa stock, two months before the Justice Department launched an antitrust lawsuit against the credit card company on Tuesday. At the time that Pelosi sold the stock, there was no public information that a lawsuit against the company was imminent, leaving one to ask the question, why would Mr. Pelosi sell that much of his stock at that specific time?  


If he had received any private information from his wife that there was an investigation into the company, that is called insider trading, and according to the SEC, the person who made the illegal trade, Paul Pelosi, and the person who provided the insider information, Nancy Pelosi, should be arrested and charged with federal crimes. Will they ever be charged? Of course not. Will they ever be investigated? Of course not. This is something that they do on a regular basis. The Pelosi’s stock portfolio was up 65.5 percent in 2023, one of the best performances in Congress. There are some people in this country to whom the rules simple do not apply.


Yesterday, New York City mayor Eric Adams was indicted by a grand jury as part of a federal investigation. He is facing a charge of acting as an unregistered foreign agent after accepting donations from foreign entities. This is the first indictment of a sitting New York City mayor in history. The indictment is believed to be connected to allegations of the Turkish government illegally funneling money into his mayoral campaign in exchange for approval of the Turkish Consulate in Manhattan. The amount of money in question is a whopping $6,000. Do not look into Paul Pelosi selling $500,000 Visa stock just before the Justice Department filed a lawsuit against the company. That’s small change; go after Mayor Adams for $6,000 in campaign contributions. Do not look into the fact that the current administration is flying Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to battleground states on the taxpayer dime to campaign for Kamala Harris. That is not breaking federal campaign laws. Only Eric Adams did.


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez called for Adams’ resignation on X when she wrote, “I do not see how Mayor Adams can continue governing New York City. The flood of resignations and vacancies are threatening gov function. Nonstop investigations will make it impossible to recruit and retain a qualified administration. For the good of the city, he should resign.” So, a representative who claims to stand up for justice and democracy believes that the duly elected New York City mayor should resign based simply on an indictment. In her mind, people are guilty by accusation.


Mayor Adams claims he is being persecuted by the federal government for speaking out against the city’s illegal immigrant crisis. Any indictment that comes out of the Southern District of New York is most likely fraudulent. It is the most politically corrupt jurisdiction in the country. It has been weaponized against political opponents to promote the far left’s agenda. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has been tried twice in the SDNY this year alone.


The messages is clear. If you go against the far-left’s agenda, the bureaucrats in the deep state who are running this country, will come after you. It doesn’t matter what party you belong to. That is why they attack Donald Trump so often. Everything Trump is about goes against the far left. Other Republicans would be vilified by the left, but not to the extent of Trump because most Republicans have a layer of RINO to them; they will go along with the far-left agenda at times. We see that with our current Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson. We saw that with Kevin McCarthy. We saw that with Mitch McConnell. The RINOs can be rolled if enough pressure is put on them.


People like Trump can’t be rolled. Mayor Adams, who I don’t agree with most of the time, was standing up for his city because it’s being destroyed by illegal immigrants. 75% of the crimes that are being committed in New York City are being committed by illegal immigrants who can’t be deported because New York City is a sanctuary city. Mayor Adams has an obligation to defend his city that is being destroyed by the federal government’s mass illegal immigration strategy, so the federal government went after him.


Last year, some of the public high schools in New York City had to go to remote learning because the actual high schools had been turned into shelters for illegal immigrants. At that point, Mayor Adams felt the need to speak up. Enough was enough. But these are the extremes the far left will go in order to rig every future election to their benefit. Flood the nation with illegal immigrants, grant them citizenship and the right to vote, and they will vote overwhelming for Democrats; Democrats win every election for the next 100 years. That’s the plan. And anybody who speaks out against the plan, Donald Trump, Eric Adams, they are charged by the Southern District of New York on trumped up fake charges.


It doesn’t matter to the left that their illegal immigration scheme is causing devastation to everything it touches. It doesn’t matter to them that the cost of housing and rent are at an all-time high because of the influx of 10 million illegals. It doesn’t matter to them that these illegals are driving up unemployment and driving down wages for American citizens. It doesn’t matter to them that illegals commit a disproportionate amount of crime, especially violent crime. It doesn’t matter to them that President of Panama José Raúl Mulino declared U.S.-bound migrants passing through his country are leaving trail of ‘decomposing corpses’ in his country. The left just wants the extra voters to rig every election from here on out because that is what they do, cheat.


Everything that the Democrats are about right now, is illegally rigging the processes to their advantage, whether it is insider trading of stocks; weaponizing the judicial system against their opponents; using mail in ballots, no signature match, unsecured drop boxes to rig elections; to ending the filibuster in order to add two states to the Union to create a permanent majority in the Senate and then to pack the Supreme Court, so every unconstitutional piece of legislation that they pass will get rubber stamped by their rigged Court.


In every example, the far left is rigging the system to their advantage; they are corrupting the system to the point that it is unrecognizable. This is not the way people who love the United States of America act; this is not the way people who are defending democracy act. But the left has to do this because their policies are so bad that they would never win an election running on and governing based on those policies.


I love America as much as anybody, but we have to come to the realization that American politics has become as corrupt as many Third World nations. We all know that if Mayor Adams had towed the far-left line on mass illegal immigration this indictment would not have occurred. We all know that if Donald Trump was not running for President, he would not have been indicted even once. This is our new country. The screen has been pulled back, and the corruption is there on full display for all to see. The question is, what are we going to do about it now?




Mr. Garrett is a graduate of Princeton University, and a former NFL player, coach, and executive. He has been a contributor to the website Real Clear Politics. He has recently published his first novel, No Wind.

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Judd Garrett is a former NFL player, coach and executive. He is a frequent contributer to the website Real Clear Politics, and has recently published his first novel, No Wind

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