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Ravening Wolf

Writer: JG .JG .

Speaking in Singapore on Friday, Pope Francis told a group of young people, that you can’t say, “‘Mine is the true religion; yours isn’t true.’” And then went on to tell them that “all religions are a path to reach God. They are, to use a comparison, like different languages, different dialects to get there.” In contrast, Jesus clearly stated, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6.) You may believe the Pope’s statement, but it goes directly against the teaching of Jesus which means you cannot call yourself a Christian, much less the Pope if you believe that. So, the head of the largest Christian Church on Earth, does not know or even understand the core teachings of Jesus Christ.


If all religions lead to God, then does Satanism lead to God? Of course not, Satanism leads you away from God. So, his statement is categorically false. Jesus warned, “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits.” (Matt 7:15-16) In this instance, it is the Pope who is the wolf in sheep’s clothing, and his fruit is the perversion of the teaching of Jesus.


Why would the Pope make a statement promoting polytheism which clearly goes against the teaching of Jesus, the doctrines of the Catholic Church and is grounded in no biblical theology? He is a well-documented Communist, and Communists are intent on destroying Western Civilization because the Western ideas of democracy and individual sovereignty which are rooted in Judeo-Christianity are diametrically opposed to Communist authoritarianism. It is now apparent that the Communists have done to the Catholic Church, what they have done to all of the major institutions in the United States and the West – infiltrate and pervert. They have taken over the media; they’ve taken over academia; they’ve taken over the arts; they’ve taken over Hollywood; they’ve taken over the bureaucracy; they’re taking over the medical profession. They infiltrate, pervert, and weaponize every institution against the very country that the institutions were founded upon. 


The Pope’s promotion of polytheism that everybody’s god is the same, and all of the gods are true, is a frontal assault on Western culture. Polytheism will lead to the destruction of America, the destruction of Western civilization, and the destruction of the Judeo-Christian way of life.  Western culture is steeped in monotheism which brings stability, even in a diverse society where there are Christians and Jews and Muslims and Buddhists. In a Western liberal culture, we are called to be tolerant of other people’s beliefs and culture, but we should not blindly accept competing belief systems as true. It only works to discredit and destruct our own belief system.


Pope Francis doesn’t hide his Communist leanings. In January at a Christian/Marxist summit in Vatican City, he told the Marxists, “don’t back off, don’t give up, and don’t stop dreaming of a better world.” It sounded like he was giving them a pep talk, and not stating the Vatican’s official position of denouncing Marxism. On Friday, the Pope injected himself into the United States Presidential election when he told journalists that Donald Trump and Kamala Harris are both “against life”, and that the American Catholic voter is faced with the choice between “a candidate who supports ending a pregnancy and another who wants to deport 11 million migrants”. 


Look at the way, like a good Communist, the Pope played with the language to draw a moral equivalency between Trump and Harris. He said, Harris supports “ending a pregnancy” when in reality, she supports ‘killing a baby in the womb’ which is the most accurate description. Then he said, Trump “wants to deport 11 million migrants” when in reality, he wants to deport 11 million illegal aliens – criminal aliens, the MS-13 gang members, drug smugglers, cartel members, human traffickers. Murdering babies is not morally equivalent to removing violent criminals from a country.


It is evident in his statement that the Pope wants Harris to win because she is in favor of open borders, and he is a Communist, and knows that open borders lead to destruction of Western Society which will bring in the New World Order and a One World Government which he hopes will be taken over by the Communists. So, clearly this person who’s pretending to be the Pope is not Catholic and not even a Christian because Communism is an atheistic political ideology directly opposed to religion and definitely against Christianity.


There are three competing forces in the world – the Communists who want to take over the world under the umbrella of a New World Order and One World Government; the Islamists who want a world-wide caliphate were everyone either converts to Islam or dies; and those who believe in Western democracy whose underpinning principles are individual freedom and national sovereignty. The Communist and the Islamist want to destroy Western democracies because they are the biggest impediment to their ultimate vision for the world – establishing the supremacy of a world government over the people. That is why the Communist have infiltrated and perverted every institution of the West; that is why Muslim from the Middle East are invading Europe and the United States claiming to be refugees.


If you believe in everything, you believe in nothing, and that is what the Pope said to those people on Friday, not that every religion is the true religion, but no religion is the true religion, not even the Catholic religion that he is the leader of. If Jesus is not the one Lord and Savior, then there is no Christianity. That is what the left does. They don’t believe in objective truth; everyone’s subjective truth is their own private objective truth which means nothing is the truth. It just like the left saying that you can have a country without having borders. How do you define the country if you have no borders? If the United States does not have secure borders, then the United States ceases to be the United States which is exactly what the left, the Pope, the Communists and the Islamists want.




Mr. Garrett is a graduate of Princeton University, and a former NFL player, coach, and executive. He has been a contributor to the website Real Clear Politics. He has recently published his first novel, No Wind.



Adler Pfingsten
Adler Pfingsten
Sep 23, 2024

The first and most important of three measures to be derived from the Convergence Matrix stands in direct opposition to the Pope:


“The Torah and moral law of Sinai, Yeshua as a precisely defined messiah of purpose, the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States, republican governance as defined by Jefferson and Adams, are  the benchmarks by which all else is to be measured; gone are the debates as to every belief system on earth having equal stature.” 


Do a search for Adler von Pfingsten 'Pamphlets' and read No.2 Mankind’s Final Test of Reason for the details.


Jack Hiller
Jack Hiller
Sep 16, 2024

Excellent post. Christ said as clearly as He could without getting immediately arrested, or worse, that he despised clergy, as they take a superior attitude while pretending righteousness by what we now term virtue signaling. Instead, he stated only two oughts that replace the OT and all other churchy rules: 1. Love God your creator; and 2. Love each other, the Golden Rule.

The current Pope is working to destry the Catholic Church; he even favors Islam as a good alternative, despite it's command to convert all infidels, and subjugate, and finally kill those who refuse to convert.


Judd Garrett is a former NFL player, coach and executive. He is a frequent contributer to the website Real Clear Politics, and has recently published his first novel, No Wind

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