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Make America America Again

Does anybody recognize America anymore? In 2008, Barack Obama promised to “fundamentally transform” America, and that is exactly what he has done over the last sixteen years. There has been a concerted effort by the left to dramatically change Western society. A new report by the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR), claims that the European Union is being hindered by “whiteness”. In 2015, sitting right next to current Secretary of Homeland Security, Alexander Mayorkas, then-Vice President Joe Biden said, “an unrelenting stream of immigration, non-stop, non-stop, folks like me who are of Caucasian of European descent, for the first time in 2017 will be an absolute minority... that’s not a bad thing, that’s a source of our strength.”  And that is exactly what we have witnessed under his administration. Over 10 million illegal immigrants have unrelentingly streamed into our country over the last three and a half years.


And that has not been a source of strength. ICE data shows that the Biden-Harris administration has allowed over 425,000 criminal aliens, including 13,099 convicted murderers, and 15,811 rapists, to remain in America, freely walking our streets. Under Biden-Harris, 4% of Haiti’s entire population has entered U.S., and we all know what has happened to Springfield, Ohio as a result of adding 20,000 Haitian refugees to that community. And what is the day-to-day result of all this? I cannot take my 7-year-old daughter to her dance class in an upper-class suburb of Dallas, Texas because Venezuelan sex traffickers have been spotted lurking outside the studio. A woman in her 20’s was kidnapped and raped by four Venezuelan gang members less than two miles from the dance studio. Was this an issue that we were dealing with 20, 30, 50 years ago in America before the flood gates of illegal immigration were swung wide open?


I did not want to bring race into this discussion. I thought we lived in a post-racial society, but since the ECFR is charging that “whiteness” is hindering Europe and Biden touted the benefits of making white people a minority, we are forced to consider race to determine the validity of those statements. If you look around the world, what is the racial and ethnic make-up of the successful countries? And what is the racial and ethnic make-up of the unsuccessful countries? Immigration is one of the best ways to determine how successful a country is or how unsuccessful a country is. Which countries are people fleeing? And which countries are people fleeing to? 10 million illegal immigrants, mostly from countries of color, have entered the Unites States under Biden-Harris to improve their lives. Millions of immigrants from Muslim countries, flood into Europe every year. The immigration does not work both ways. People from predominately white countries are not flooding into non-white countries to better their lives, yet the EDFR believes the problem in Europe is that it is too white, and Joe Biden believes unrelenting third world immigration will make us stronger. The fact that the flood of immigration will naturally turn “white” countries less white disproves the claims that “whiteness is hindering Europe” and becoming less white will be a source of strength to America.


But this is not about the racial make-up of the country; it is about how the political philosophy of our country is radically changing due to immigration. The more people who we import into this country from socialist countries, communist countries, despotic countries, failed countries, imploding countries, and give those people the right to vote, the more we are inviting a radical shift in our political philosophy. These tens of millions of people who have just walked into our country, have no understanding of the concept of democracy, civil rights, our constitution, or even basic freedom. They do not know what a functioning country and a non-corrupt government looks like. They have lived their lives controlled by and indebted to the government of their home country, and when push comes to shove, they will vote accordingly. That is how the socialists and communists and despots came to power in their home countries in the first place. That is precisely why the Democrats are importing them. The immigrants will overwhelmingly vote for the totalitarian, socialist, anti-freedom agenda of the Democrats because they do not know any better.


Slowly, the political philosophy in our country is eroding right before our eyes, and if anyone points it out, they are immediately accused of being a racist. Former Presidential candidate, John Kerry, recently said that “our First Amendment stands as a major block to be able to… hammer [sources of disinformation] out of existence.” That is exactly what the First Amendment was designed to do – be a major block to government censorship.  In September, California Governor Gavin Newsom signed three bills designed to remove deceptive content such as “deepfakes” and parody memes from large online platforms. So, parody has become illegal in California, at least, parody directed at politicians with a ‘D’ next to their names. Why are we throwing away the First Amendment of our Constitution? 20 years ago, there weren’t politicians running around calling for government censorship, and there definitely weren’t journalists agreeing with and even defending the call for government censorship, but here we are.


Last Friday, on Bill Maher’s HBO show, Real Time, leftist author Fran Lebovitz said that, “Biden should dissolve the Supreme Court” because they passed some rulings that she disagreed with. In 2020, New Yorker magazine published an article entitled, The Case for Ending the Supreme Court as We Know It. Was this type of thinking prominent in America 20 years ago? Conservatives vehemently disagreed with the Supreme Court’s Roe v Wade decision for 50 years, but not once did they call for the dissolution of the Court itself. The first steps in ushering in their totalitarian rule, get rid of the biggest checks and balances on government – the Constitution and the Supreme Court. The more we import illegal immigrants from despotic countries, the more despotic we are becoming. Changing the demographics of this country is not a source of strength for America, it is a source of power for Democrats.


And our government is ruling like the despotic leaders of third world countries. We have $35 trillion of a national debt, and it is barely mentioned by our politicians. Out of control debt and rampant inflation are the calling cards of failed third world countries. So many people have become so reliant on the government, that if a politician ran on cutting spending and reducing the deficit, it would cost him more votes than gain him. That is exactly the way they want it – the majority of the people dependent on government. The more government dependency, the more power the government has over the people.


America is unrecognizable, at least the America I used to know. The country that used to stand for freedom, civil rights, the constitution, the rule of law, self-reliance and meritocracy is slowly disappearing. When Donald Trump says, Make America Great Again what he really means is Make America America Again. The goal of immigration is not to turn America into Venezuela or Haiti or any other country; the goal should be to turn Venezuelans or Haitians immigrants into Americans. But the Biden-Harris open borders policy with the unrelenting stream of immigration is doing the exact opposite; it is turning America into the third world hellhole that the immigrants emigrated from. The sheer numbers make it virtually impossible and unnecessary for the new arrivals to assimilate, and the only thing that is changed is America, and not for the better. And the person behind all of this, Barack Obama, must go down in history as the most arrogantly stupid person who has ever inhaled a breath. He has taken one of the greatest countries that has ever existed and almost singlehandedly destroyed it. Not only is that arrogant and stupid, it is evil. Importing a half million criminal aliens from other countries to rape and murder American citizens is evil. So, no Joe, unrelenting stream of immigration is not a source of strength for our country, it has proven to be a source of evil.




Mr. Garrett is a graduate of Princeton University, and a former NFL player, coach, and executive. He has been a contributor to the website Real Clear Politics. He has recently published his first novel, No Wind.


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Your best piece yet…….so spot on.

America and North Carolina continues to deteriorate. Truly sad.

We need to bring two year government service back (draft) to put discipline and structure back in our country before it is too late. AMERICA is dying before our very eyes.

Mike Haley


Judd Garrett is a former NFL player, coach and executive. He is a frequent contributer to the website Real Clear Politics, and has recently published his first novel, No Wind

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