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Writer's pictureJG .


In an interview with Elle Magazine, in 2021, Kamala Harris told a story about when she was a toddler and her parents brought her to a civil rights rally in Oakland, California. She fell from her stroller and became very upset because her parents did not immediately notice her fall. As she tells the story, “I’m fussing, and [my mother’s] like, ‘Baby, what do you want? What do you need?’ And I just looked at her and I said, ‘Fweedom.’” Harris uses this story to portray herself as a 3-year-old version of William Wallace to try to illustrate how even at a young age, she understood the continual struggle for freedom in America, and therefore as President, she will be able to relate with the essential and transcendent human desire for freedom.


The only problem with her story is that it never happened to Kamala Harris. She stole this story directly from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. In the interview with Alex Haley in January, 1965, Dr. King told a story from the march on Birmingham. He said, “A little Negro girl, seven or eight years old … was walking in a demonstration with her mother,” King explained. “’What do you want?’ the policeman asked her gruffly, and the little girl looked him straight in the eye and answered, ‘Fee-dom.’ She couldn’t even pronounce it, but she knew. It was beautiful!” So, it is unlikely that both stories are true, and it is most likely that Dr. King is the one telling the truth because Harris was only 3 months old when Dr. King first relayed his story.


Harris is doing here what she always does, pretending to be someone other than who she actually is, because in reality, she is uninteresting and unimpressive. She changes her accent based on the race, ethnicity and the geography of the group she is speaking to because that is the only way people can relate to her. The fact that she appropriated this story about a young girl at a civil rights rally calling for “fweedom”, illustrates how much of a chameleon and a fraud she actually is because she doesn’t actually believe in freedom. The entire agenda and policies that she will implement as President is anti-freedom – from government censorship of social media, to taking guns away from American citizens, to banning fracking, to attacking the oil and gas industry, to mandating electric cars, to Medicare-For-All, to price controls, to force minimum wage increases, to mandated DEI agenda in hiring and college admissions, to overregulating the business community, to raising taxes on everybody.


Kamala Harris is a Marxist. Her father was a Marxist professor at Stanford. Marxists do not believe in freedom, at least not in the freedom and individual rights that are spelled out in our Constitution. Marxists believe in equality, not equal rights or equal justice, but equality of outcomes, and they will strip every citizen of their rights and freedoms to achieve that unattainable equality. Everything that Kamala Harris is about is taking freedom away from the American citizens. Empowering the federal government and empowering herself to dictate to the American people how they’re supposed to live, how they’re supposed to spend their money, how they’re supposed to run their business. It will be the least free the United States of America has ever been because the federal government has never been this large, has never taken this much money from the people, and has never had this much power over the people.


People like Kamala Harris and her ilk do not know what freedom looks like. They continually call Donald Trump a “fascist”, but they never give one example of his fascism when he was President for four years. Donald Trump cut taxes on every American citizen. Fascists don’t cut taxes, they do not allow people to keep more of their money; fascists take the people’s money, like Harris and the Democrats do. Trump cut regulations in half. Fascists do not cut regulations; fascists increase regulations, fascists expand their power and control over the people like the Biden-Harris administration did for the last four years. Kamala Harris stands for the exact opposite of freedom.


The people on the left love to rewrite American history as one of oppression and colonization, and claim that is the reason why America has become the richest, the most prosperous nation the world has ever seen. But the real reason why America is so wealthy and prosperous is because it has been the freest country the world has ever seen. And when Donald Trump says, “make America great again”, he’s talking about returning America to those principles of freedom and individual rights, to allow people to determine the course of their own lives without having to go through layers of government bureaucracy. He is talking about freeing the American people from the oppressive type of government that we have lived under for the last four years, and Kamala Harris wants to continue for four more years, and beyond. If Kamala Harris actually becomes the President of the United States, there will be hundreds of millions of citizens who will be begging for the very thing that she claims that she told her mother she wanted fifty years ago - fweedom, but freedom from her policies, freedom from her Presidency, freedom from her.




Mr. Garrett is a graduate of Princeton University, and a former NFL player, coach, and executive. He has been a contributor to the website Real Clear Politics. He has recently published his first novel, No Wind.

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1 Comment

Sam Dehne
Sam Dehne
5 days ago

Hi JG, 10/09/24


1 addition:

You said, "her anti-freedom policies" - Great! But you left out her honchoing and

perpetrating the worst invasion of a nation in history. By her illegal aliens!!!

Genghis Khan's, Hitler's, etc, etc invasions were mere panty-raids in comparison to kamalamadingdong's ubiquitous nation-destroying invasions of America.

And there are many many more atrocities being committed by her and her govt.

Sam DNA Dehne


Judd Garrett is a former NFL player, coach and executive. He is a frequent contributer to the website Real Clear Politics, and has recently published his first novel, No Wind

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