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Do You Want Fries with That? 

At least Tim Walz lied about being a war hero. The top of the Democrat Presidential ticket, Kamala Harris, lied about being a fry cook at McDonald’s. Kamala – go big or go home. McDonald’s has reported they have no record of her ever working for their company which was underscored by Donald Trump showing up at a Pennsylvania McDonald’s this weekend and working the drive-through window. So, why would Kamala Harris lie about working at McDonald’s? It is the same reason why she starts every answer to every question, “I grew up in a middle-class household.” Which she didn’t. Her father was a professor at Stanford University and her mother was a biologist and cancer researcher. She didn’t live a middle-class life, so why does she pretend like she did? The same reason why she changes her accent based on the audience and the geography in which she is speaking. She is pretending to be someone she is not.


She has to lie about being middle-class and working at McDonald’s in order to pretend that she actually cares about the middle-class in our country because every single one of her administration’s policies has harmed the middle class. The excessive government spending, the war on energy, the overregulation of business by her administration are the driving forces behind the devastating inflation that we are all experiencing but the middle class and the working class has felt the most. A person making $1 million per year is not hurt very much by having to spend an extra $75 a week on groceries, but the person making $60,000 per year, is financially devastated having to spend that extra $75 a week. That is 6.5% of their income they have lost to inflation on groceries alone.


But because the working class and the middle-class are so prevalent throughout our country, Harris must court them to win the election, but once in power, she will completely abandon and forget about them. So, Harris pretends that she grew up in a middle-class family, to attract middle-class voters, who her administration policies have hurt the last four years. And she lies about working at McDonald’s so she can align herself with the working class who have been devastated by her open borders policies. Bringing 10 million uneducated, unskilled illegal immigrants into this country in three and a half years, who are willing to work for less than the minimum wage, has driven down wages, and driven up unemployment for working class America. She doesn’t care about the middle-class, she doesn’t care about the working class, those people are blights on this country in her eyes. But she needs their voters in order to get elected, so she must pretend to be middle-class and working class.


It is the same old bait and switch tactic that all Marxists use. Whether it’s the Soviet Union, or Maoist China, or Castro’s Cuba, Marxists always come to power riding the wave of standing for the workers, standing for the little guy, but after the initial purge of the elites in society, it is the middle class and the working class, who gets destroyed by Marxism. Millions of peasant farmers in the Soviet Union were starved to death by Stalin’s regime. The Bolsheviks promised a workers’ paradise not mass starvation. Mao promised redistribution of wealth and equality to the people of China, and what they got was 40 million peasants and working-class people murdered at the hands of Mao’s regime during the cultural revolution.


It is projected that if Kamala Harris is elected President at least 10 million more illegal immigrants will enter our country over the next four years. That will devastate the middle class and the working class even more. We are currently spending over $150 billion every year for social services for illegal immigrants alone. 10 million more illegal immigrants will further drive-up inflation, will drive down wages, drive-up unemployment and make housing unaffordable. Every single one of those effects will destroy the middle class and the working class, but that is their plan because they hate the middle class; they hate the working class.

How many movies from leftwing Hollywood have been a “commentary” on the middle class and the suburban lifestyle in America? Middle America gets lectured by the leftwing elites in Hollywood living in their mansions and gated communities in the most expensive zip code in the country about all that is wrong with middle class America living in suburban communities. Award winning movies like, American Beauty, Pleasantville, The Stepford Wives, The Graduate, The Truman Show, Stuck in the Suburbs and The Burbs, are all negative critical commentaries on suburbia, which Hollywood and the left hates. The middle class and the suburban lifestyle are rarely painted in a positive light in leftwing Hollywood. 


To the left, the middle-class are the bourgeoisie – a term that is a pejorative to the leftists and the Marxists. In their eyes, society should be set up as the elites – them – and a permanent underclass which services the elites. And that’s it. That’s why they hate the middle class. There’s no room for the middle class in the Marxian worldview. They despise one of the key tenants of a capitalist society and also of America – upward mobility. That was the American dream – your children would do better than you, and their children will do better than them. Each generation, your family goes from poor to working class to middle class to upper class and beyond. And that’s why the left hates America and the American dream so much because it creates a strong middle class which directly opposes the Marxian – elite and proletariat – societal structure.


This worldview is one of the reasons why the left is so pro-union. This week, Minnesota Governor and Vice-Presidential candidate, Tim Walz, lashed out at the union workers who are supporting Donald Trump, calling into the question their courage for not blindly supporting the Democrats this election cycle. Unions perfectly fit their Marxian worldview. Once you become a union worker, you pretty much stay a union worker for life. You’re the proletariat. You’re the worker bees. You’re the permanent underclass. You’re not moving up the social strata. You’re stuck in the box the left lured you into. How many union workers become owners or entrepreneurs? How many rise above being a union worker? Very few. And Tim Walz calls the union workers courageous who vote for candidates who will keep them locked in as the permanent underclass.


Their hatred for the middle class more than anything is the reason why they are importing all of these uneducated, unskilled illegal immigrants from other countries. They are here to drive out the middle-class or more accurately to drive down the middle class into the proletariat. It is not the capitalists who hate the middle-class and the working-class; it is the Marxists. Don’t listen to their rhetoric. Name a communist country that worked out well for the middle-class or the working class. In every instance where Marxism was tried, the middle class disappeared, they got poorer to the point where they were eliminated while the elites got more and more power and wealth. There has never been a workers’ paradise in a communist country. Never. It has only been a workers’ hellhole.


Capitalists, contrary to the leftist propaganda, want the middle-class and the working class to succeed and move up the social strata because they know that the more money people have in their pockets, the more they will spend on the goods and services that the capitalists are providing. That’s the way capitalism works. It is a win-win for everyone involved while Marxism is a win for the elites and a loss for everyone else.


Kamala Harris and the left, hate the middle class, but they need the middle class, that’s why they have to pander to the middle class and that is why Donald Trump’s appearance at McDonald’s was so effective because it exposed the hypocrisy and the hatred of the left for the middle class. And that is why the rank-and-file union workers are supporting Trump over Harris. Trump’s message and Harris’ policies has exposed that hatred that the left has for the little guy in our society. In the end, they know that if Harris was truly the middle class, she would not support policies that devastated the middle class. Continually repeating that you’re “from a middle-class family” does not erase that damage you have done to middle class families over the last three and a half years. McDonald’s verified that Kamala Harris has never said, “do you want fries with that?” But because of her anti-middle-class policies, after November 5, she may be saying that a whole lot more.




Mr. Garrett is a graduate of Princeton University, and a former NFL player, coach, and executive. He has been a contributor to the website Real Clear Politics. He has recently published his first novel, No Wind.

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Judd Garrett is a former NFL player, coach and executive. He is a frequent contributer to the website Real Clear Politics, and has recently published his first novel, No Wind

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